Friday, September 23, 2011

Patrick's Presentation (in two parts)

Patrick made a presentation to his class of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. The presentation compared some key characteristics of raptors, specifically the Golden Eagle and the Red Tailed Hawk.

This was a volunteer project - not part of a classroom assignment. He did well with eye contact and visuals (behind him was a PowerPoint slideshow, which you can download below if you'd like) filled with great pictures. His teacher referenced his good use of eye contact - having memorized most of his report - as a key to making a good presentation.  Next week, the class will be making individual presentations on a specific dinosaur that they have each been researching.

If you would like to download the slideshow (I'm sorry I couldn't see it on the screen in his room; the lighting was difficult), you can get an idea of what the kids were seeing.  Click here to download the presentation.

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