Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Nocturnal Feeding

Feeding the owls in Aviary 2.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spring School Program

Today is Patrick's spring school program. I am so glad that he gets to do stuff like this, and the whole school participates, which makes it even better.

He has two parts in two different parts of the program. His first role is as "friend", but by the time I could get a good photo, he was dressed as a king and the show was over.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Feeding the Raptors

It was a beautiful day today, and a great day for feeding the nocturnal raptors at Outreach for Earth Stewardship.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

First Fishing of 2012

Patrick puts his hook in the water for the first time this season. Yes, he's wearing a winter coat, and yes, I'm behind the camera wrapped in a double layer fleece blanket in the sun.

It's Spring Break and we've tried to do something fun and/or outside (it's been a rainy week) every day. Today, we fish.

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Great Good Friday

Patrick didn't have school today (since it's Good Friday) so he had a play date with two of his buddies.

They built a hunting lodge with the "kinder cabin" materials that Jörg and Patrick made last summer.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Raptor Rescue

Patrick has really been enjoying his work at the Outreach for Earth Stewardship raptor rescue.

He works there every week feeding the nocturnal birds (owls). During Spring Break week, he looks forward to an extra visit to feed the diurnal (day feeding) birds (hawks, kestrels, etc.). It should be fun.