Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tae Kwon Do

I have been doing Tae Kwon Do for about two and a half years. This is me (on the left) sparring with Seth in athlete training class today. This was my second match of the evening. The athlete training class is to help us prepare for a tournament coming up in May.

This is is Me suiting up for sparring.

At the end of class, just before we are let go to get dressed and go home, Master White has us "circle up". He gives us last instructions and reminds us about things we should be working on. Today he reminded us that we should help each other up when we fall. Here I am helping (or getting ready to) demonstrate this lesson. Seconds after Mama took this picture Master White kicked me and I pretended to fall down...well, I did actually fall down, but he barely kicked me so I didn't have to fall, but I did so that he could help me up.